22.0507 Rocket Build and Launch!

Space enthusiasts and little engineers, listen up! This year’s May GEAR event will be explosive! Families will be building and launching real model rockets under the supervision and assistance of a member of the National Association of Rocketry. A light snack will be provided and competition rockets will be on display. Families will also have the opportunity to hear from a Sycamore student about his experience with rocketry.

Date5/7 (inclement weather date 5/21)
Time:1:00-3:00 p.m.
Location:iSpace – Rear Parking Lot
10020 Reading Rd, Evendale, OH 45241
Cost:$10 per rocket for GEAR members
$15 for non-GEAR members

Registration in advance is highly recommended as the number of rocket kits are limited. Rockets will take about 15 minutes to build and will be launched every 5 minutes for a maximum of 24 launches.

  • 22.0427 Upcoming Event: GEAR Rocket Build and Launch!
  • 22.0506 Rocket Event is a GO for Launch!